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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4351 "both of the parish of Grinton"
Family F232
4352 "Eden the daughter of Richard Coates"
COATES, Eden (I48)
4353 "Elizabeth, daughter of Adam Harker, Pitt Man, of Shildon in the Parish o
f Auckland Saint Andrew, in the county of Durham, and of Elizabeth his w
ife who was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Hillary..."
I don't know why it states her mother as 'Elizabeth' when it should be A
HARKER, Elizabeth (I1702)
4354 "Elizabeth, daughter of John Ward, baptized..."
WARD, Elizabeth (I16)
4355 "emigrated to New Zealand on being offered "50 pounds per year and foun
d for himself, wife and children" by his brother-in-law, Isaac Coates."
COATES, Thomas F. (I2986)
4356 "I n August 1737 a catastrophic fire swept through part of the village o
f Marrick destroying houses and farm buildings..."
"Another widow, Barbary Moor, made a much more modest claim for £18 13s 9
d, plus another £18 0s 2d for rebuilding. Her possessions ranged from o
ver £4 worth of clothes, linen and shoes, down to 2s for trenchers but s
he also lost £5 in cash. In Barbary’s case we are actually in touch wit
h one of her descendants and have been able to find out quite a bit abo
ut her family. By coincidence the same correspondent is also descended f
om Bartholomew Blenkiron who claimed £6 6s and 10d to rebuild his hous
e but was presumably renting it out as he didn’t lose any personal prop
COATES, Barbara (I647)
4357 "INGS HEAD, a farm house in the township of Hurst, and parish of Marric
k; 2½ miles NNW. of Marrick, 2 miles NE of Reeth, 7 miles from Richmond
BROWN, Edward (I1436)
4358 "John, son of John Ward, baptized..."
WARD, John (I15)
4359 "John, son of John Ward, buried.."
WARD, John (I15)
4360 "Margaret, daughter of Richard Coates"
COATES, Margaret (I73)
4361 "Ralph Ward buried..."
WARD, Ralph (I5)
4362 "Ralph, son of John and Susan Ward, baptized..."
WARD, Ralph (I20)
4363 "spurious son of Jane Carter"
CARTER, Joseph (I1053)
4364 "The earliest mention I can find of other telephone subscribers in Reet
h was in the 1921 directory, which lists only Barclays Bank (Reeth 2) a
d the police station (Reeth 3). By then there would have been a small t
elephone ex-change (a switchboard) almost certainly in the post office. M
argaret Ward, sub-postmistress, was listed in the directory as Reeth 1. T
he 1922 directory lists Reeth exchange as offering a telephone service o
ly between 8am and 8pm Monday to Saturday and between 8.30am and 10 am o
Sundays. And then only when Margaret wasn't busy serving in the shop, p
esumably!" Quoting John Cranston from an article in the Friends of Swa
ledale Newsletter #14 Autumn 2012.
WARD, Margaret (I384)
4365 "There was an inheritance dispute among relatives as to ownership of th
e mines and this resulted in a law suit which was heard in the Court of C
hancery in 1682. Depositions of witnesses who were familiar with the m
ines testified that under the management of one of the disputants they h
ad been very productive. “In his testimony, Simon Warde, a smelter stat
ed that he had been a smelter at the Clints Mill for the past twenty ye
ars and that the mill was capable of smelting slag lead.”
(from a book by a Mike Gill who in turn, had made use of research carri
ed out by L.O. Tyson and published in the journal, ‘British Mining No 5
0’ (1994).)
WARD, Simon (I7)
4366 (probably the Thomas Calvert mentioned in the Yorkshire Administrations

Folio: 98 Name: Warde, Ralph Parish or Place of Residence: East Layton A
dministrator: Jane, only child, wife of Thomas Calvert.
CALVERT, Thomas (I228)
4367 1862 27 September. The Leeds Mercury; Issue 7632
WARD. – Sept. 21st , aged 76 ESTHER, widow of Mr THOMAS WARD, of Reeth S

Headstone: In memory of the late Esther Ward widow of the late Thomas W
ard of Reeth (who also lies interred in this yard) She departed this li
fe September the 21st, 1862 in the 77th year of her age.
Also of Mary Ward daughter of the above who died November 25th 1896 age
d 76 years.
HOWSON, Esther (I239)
4368 Last Will & Testament of Simon Ward

In the name of God, amen, I Simon Ward of Newport knowing that it i
s approved for all men once to die do make this my Last Will and testam
ent. I resign my soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust to be b
uried at the discretion of my executors to be here after named and as t
ouching my worldly estate that it hath pleased almighty God to bless me w
ith. After any just debts and funeral charges is payed ___ and dispose
d of in the following manner viz.

First I give unto my son Robert Ward the use of the following Lots of L
and during his natural Life and at his death to his son Simon Ward and t
o his heirs and assigns for ever viz. one Lot of upland containing thir
ty acres being a part of Lot number fifteen bounded southerly on the ne
w road Landing to ___ easterly on Land of John Ward north of the river W
est on __Land of Felix Cochran and twenty eight and one half acres bein
g apart of Lot number fourteen and bounded southerly on Land of the Lat
e James Smith easterly and northerly on Land of John Ward and west on L
and of Felix Cochrane and it is my will that Simon Ward do pay unto Hen
y the son of my daughter Susana Blois ten pounds when he arrives at th
e age of twenty one and it is further my will that my son Robert Ward h
ave my large Bible my arm chair two cows five sheep and one ___ ____ th
e sheep and cows to be the same that are now in his possession.

2nd It is my will that my daughter Martha Mosher have one cow and ten s
heep which is now in her possession.

3rd It is my will that my grandson Henry Ward son of my Daughter Susana B
lois have fifteen pounds and the interest of the same and two ewe sheep w
hen he is twenty one years old to be payed him by my executers hereafte
to be named.

4th It is my will that my grandson George McKinsey have ten pounds and t
he interest on the same and one ewe sheep when he is twenty one years o
ld to be payed him by my executors hereafter to be named and it is furt
her my will that he have all my books not already disposed of to be giv
en him at my demise.

5th It is my will that my grand daughter Sarah Ward daughter of Lucilli
a Mosher have three ewe sheep and the increase of them from the time of m
y decease until she is eighteen years old to be giving her by my execut
ors hereafter to be named.

6th It is my will that my Daughter Lucillia Mosher do have one feather b
ed at my Decease to be given her by my executors hereafter to be named.

7th It is my will that my Grand Daughter Caroline Ward do have one ewe s
heep and the increase of the same until after my decease and one feathe
bed one feather bolster two feather pillow two blankets three coverle
ts and one small chest and one high post bedstead to be giving her by m
y executors when she is eighteen years old.

8th It is my will that Archibald Smith and Stephen Dimock be executors o
f this my Last will and testament and that they do ____ __ ______ ____ a
d I do declare this to be my Last will and testament ____ ____ where _
__ I have herewith set my hand and affix my seal this twenty fifth day o
f May one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.
WARD, Simon (I3157)
4369 "Post, Money Order, Telegraph Office, and Savings Bank; John Tho
mas Ward, postmaster. Letters arrive daily via Richmond, per mai
l cart, at 9-5 a.m.; and are despatched - weekdays, 3-35 p.m., and on S
undays at 2-45 p.m. Letters are despatched to Arkingarthdale and Gunner
side, on week-days, at 9-35 am., and to Hurst, on Mondays, Wednesdays, a
d Fridays, at the same time. The letters for Fremington should be addr
essed via Grinton, Richmond, The Wall Letter Box at Healaugh is c
leared at 2-40 p.m. on week-days."
Transcript of the entry for the Post Office, professions and trades f
or GRINTON in Bulmer's Directory of 1890

WARD, John Thomas (I382)
4370 102 Richmond Street, Sydney.
WARD, Harry Welton (I3163)
4371 14/18 William Bowman Barden 1661            3007            97-99
In the name of god Amen the tennte of March in the yeare of our Lord Go
d one thousand six hundred and sixty one I William Bowman of Barden in t
he County of Yorke yeoman being sicke butt of good and perfect memory p
aysed be Almighty god for it doe make and ordaine this my will and tes
tament in manner and forme following that is to say
first I bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty god my maker and r
edeemer trusting by his death and passion to have full pardon adn remis
sion of all my sinnes, and I will that my body be buryed in the Church y
ard of Hawxwell and that all dues be paid for my sayd funerall
Item I give and bequeath unto Francis my wife and John my sonn and Dor
ithy my dowter and mary my dowter all my houshold stuffe goods and Chat
tells which I have now about my house.
Item Item I give and bequeath to my dowter Sisalay tenne pounds to be p
eade att mecellmis next and other tenn pounds to be payd att mecellmis n
ext afther.
Iten Item I give and bequeath unto my dowter Anne tenne pounds to be p
eade after a yeare after my death and other tenne pounds more to be pea
de halfe a yeare afther.
Item Item I give and bequeath unto to my sonne Thomas Bowman five and t
wenty shillings to be peade three yeare afther my death and to his thre
e children five shillings a yeare to be peade when they com at age [...
the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable debts bills bonds togethe
with the lease of my farme which I have [my bonds bills] debts and fu
eral discharged Item I give and bequeath unto Francis my wife and John m
y sonne and dorithy my dowther and mary my dowter I make sole executrix o
f this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have sett to my hand the day and yeare above writt
William Bowman his mark
William Ianson
George Wattson marke
Mearch 14 day 1661
A true Inventory of William Bowman goods leatly deceased in Barden
Item his purse and apearell preased to

Item 10 kine valued to

Item 8 twinters besse valued to

Item 8 calves valued to

Item 9 horis valued to

Item 90 sheepe vaued to

Item puder and brasse valued to

Item a Covereat and a table valued to

Item all the rest of the houshold stuffe valued to

Item all bedden and linin valued to

Item hey valued to

The sum is

John Ianson his mark
Marmaduke Walker
George Watson his marke
William Ianson
BOWMAN, William (I320)
4372 1693 Marske parish register: "Marga; daughter of Ralph Ward baptized Ap
il 17"
WARD, Margaret (I12)
4373 1694 Marske Parish record: "Anne daughter of Ralph Ward baptized Mar 10
WARD, Anne (I13)
4374 1697 Parish Record: "John, son of Ralph Ward baptized May 16th."
WARD, John (I3)
4375 1699 (appears to be under 1698 but they just forgot to change the year i
the register list) Parish record: "Simon son of Ralph Ward baptized M
arch 5th"
WARD, Simon (I27)
4376 1703 Marske parish record: "Ralph son of Ralph Ward baptized July 10th"
WARD, Ralph (I28)
4377 1861 census shows a total of 8 in the household. 3 males and 5 females. N
icholas and his son John are 2 of the males but I don't know who the 3r
d male would be. Although there is a gap of a few years between daughte
Lucy b. 1853 and Sarah, b. 1861, so there must have been another son b
orn between and who died between the 1861 and 1871 censuses.
WARD, Nicholas M. (I3161)
4378 1901 Census gives her date of birth as Feb. 11, 1830 but according to h
er death record, she was 84 at the time of death on May 24th, 1910. Thi
s would put her birth at 1826.
- Sometime after 1901 Sarah moved to Boston, likely to live with relati
ves. (Two of her daughters lived in Boston.. Laura Ward and Sadie (Bate
Her brother Edward's obit says "his sister Mrs. Sarah Ward attended fro
m Boston."
Sarah was buried with her husband at Maplewood Cemetery, Windsor, Nova S
cotia. plot 06 8N (headstone appears to say 1913, but death record fill
ed out by attending physician says clearly 1910.) The headstone could h
ave been erected at a much later date at which time the date of death w
as only guessed at.
CALDWELL, Sarah (I3162)
4379 1901 he is living in the household of Mary Ann Hodgson as a servant.
Also in this household is a Robert Peacock, a grandson of Mary Ann Hodg
PEACOCK, William Edmund (I1176)
4380 1901, still single and living with his uncle John, aunt Alice. His occu
pation is 'Rabbit catcher'
DEMAIN, Pratt (I1011)
4381 A brewers manager
WALTERS, James (I2376)
4382 A house servant in the home of Robert and Dorothy Cansick at Post Of
fice, Lea Postura Road, Marrick.
Living next door to Elizabeth Langstaffe.
WARD, Elizabeth Ann (I235)
4383 A John Langstaff m. Elizabeth Jones both of Spennithorne Parish, Jun 6, 1

Elizabeth Jones bap. 26 Dec 1764 daughter of Francis Jones of Bellerby.
Family F84
4384 A poultry farmer.
PEACOCK, Fredrick Joseph Edward (I779)
4385 A Richard Dobby, age 60 is living in the household as well.
WILKINSON, William (I2019)
4386 A servant (farm labourer) in the household of William and Ann Wilson at S
cargill. William is a Farmer & Shepherd of 400 Acres Employs 3 Shepherd
WAISTELL, John (I471)
4387 A servant in private girls boarding school.
LONGSTAFF, Marion (I3769)
4388 A servant in the household of Margaret Thwaite, innkeeper.
Place of birth for John given as Carlton
IVESON, John (I1278)
4389 A shorthand typist, living at home with her parents.
WALTERS, Ella Margaret (I2366)
4390 A visitor in her mother's brother's son's household.
LEE, Margaret Ann (I3639)
4391 A visitor in the home of her daughter Dorothy (Wilkinson) Wilson
FENWICK, Dorothy (I1982)
4392 A visitor in the household of Thomas Constantine. Since Matthew's fathe
was James Binks Constantine, this would mean that Matthew is the son o
f Thomas' half brother.
CONSTANTINE, Matthew Roseberry (I2684)
4393 A weaver of linen
ANDREWS, Abraham (I561)
4394 According to a chart based on The Origin of New Brunswick Politics, 17
83-1786. Fredericton, NB. New Ireland Press. 1983, the ship Hope depart
ed New York with a fleet of ships after the Revolutionary war on Apr. 2
7, 1783 arrived at New Brunswick between June 10-12, 1783.
WARD, Simon (I3157)
4395 according to city directory listing.
WARD, Nicholas M. (I3161)
4396 According to daughter Madge border crossing record when going to visit h
er Aunt Mrs. Fred Lowther in Vanceboro, Maine.
WARD, Harry Welton (I3163)
4397 According to family knowledge, the father was Jonathan Coates.
HIRD, Margaret Ellen (I991)
4398 According to Paternoster Row Wesleyan Methodist Registry, London, Engla
WARD, Edward (I300)
4399 Address in 1921 was 102 Richmond Street, Sydney
WARD, Ralph Sydney (I3165)
4400 Administration and Inventory taken after his death in December 1674 nam
ing 'Lucia Blackburn de Bellerby' as executrix for 'her late husband'
BLACKBURN, Ralph (I249)

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