Matches 4,951 to 5,000 of 7,217
# | Notes | Linked to |
4951 | South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839-1900) Tuesday 12 April 1892, Page 3 Sudden Death of Mr. Edward Ward. - Mr. Edward Ward, a sharebroker and a member of the Stock Exchange of South Australia, fell dead in front of Cowstock, Chambers, King William-street, at about 10 o'clock on Wednesd ay, March 30. The late Mr. Ward was an able advocate of, free trade pri ciples, and was one of the founders of the Free Trade League with Mess s. J. H. Symon, J. Medway Day, and others. He acted as its Secretary, a d frequently contributed correspondence to the S. A. Register bearing o the subject of free trade. As a member of the Kent Town Weslyan Churc h he took much interest in affairs pertaining to Methodism. Mr. Ward wa s born at Reeth, Yorkshire, in 1827, and went to reside in Bolton, Lanc ashire, when about fourteen years of age. During his residence in that t own he went into business as a draper. He came out to South Australia i August, 1880. Prior to becoming a sharebroker he was a commercial traveller for a well-know Adelaide firm. No inquest was held, a medical certificate having been o btained to the effect that he succumbed to an attack of heart disease. | WARD, Edward (I300)
4952 | spinster and William Rogers husbandman both of Bolton | Family F684
4953 | Startforth Parish record states they are 'both of Arkendale' (sic) | Family F220
4954 | Startforth parish register: Vincent, son of Vincent Coates baptized | COATES, Vincent (I587)
4955 | State Certified Midwife | LONGSTAFF, Jennie (I3683)
4956 | Still living with her great uncle John Groves. Her mother married in 19 07. | GROVES, Lily (I573)
4957 | Sub-postmaster & registrar of b, m & d | WARD, John Thomas (I382)
4958 | Summary conviction of Thomas Ward of Bellerby for allowing two bullocks , three heifers and five cows to stray on the highway Offence committed at the township of Bellerby on 8 July 1874 Case heard at Leyburn See =CalmView.Catalog&id=Q%2FSB%2F1874-Q4%2F10%2F5-22 | WARD, Thomas (I210)
4959 | Susan, daughter of John Ward baptized.. | WARD, Susannah (I19)
4960 | Sylvia or Joanne? AncestryDNA match 25 cM across 3 segments . Common ancestors George Reynoldson and Dorothy Coates. | BALDERSTON (I3366)
4961 | The 1851 census confirms she is the Elizabeth Rucroft born in Reeth 181 4. | RUCROFT, Elizabeth (I998)
4962 | The baptism record shows they were likely Quakers: Description YORKSHIRE: Swaledale, Low Row Chapel formerly Smarber Hall C hapel (Independent): Baptisms Record set England & Wales Non-Conformist Births And Baptisms | BELL, Elizabeth (I957)
4963 | The baptism record shows they were likely Quakers: Description YORKSHIRE: Swaledale, Low Row Chapel formerly Smarber Hall C hapel (Independent): Baptisms Record set England & Wales Non-Conformist Births And Baptisms | BELL, James (I958)
4964 | The baptism record shows they were likely Quakers: Description YORKSHIRE: Swaledale, Low Row Chapel formerly Smarber Hall C hapel (Independent): Baptisms Record set England & Wales Non-Conformist Births And Baptisms | HARKER, Hannah (I906)
4965 | The closest births to Marrick of a Thomas Langstaff are: Thomas son of Francis, 1 Aug 1737, Richmond (but he died in 1740) Thomas son of Thomas, 22 Mar 1737, Bedale Thomas son of William, 1739, Arkengarthdale (most likely) | LONGSTAFF, Thomas (I314)
4966 | The death was registered by his step daughter, likely Margaret, Clara's d aughter born before her marriage to Mr. Anderson. | ANDERSON, John Gibson (I395)
4967 | The following was found in a book called 'Swaledale - Its Mines and S melt Mills' Mike Gill, Landmark Publishing, 2nd Ed 2004, Ashbourne , Derbyshire. ISBN 1-84306-131-7'. I believe the smelter named Ralph Wa de is one and the same as this Ralph Warde, born about 1618. "The site of a second mill is revealed in a sale of land at Orgate to R obert Willance in 1614. It is not clear who built that mill, but for co venience Tyson called it Willance's Mill. When Willance died in 1616, h is estates including the mill, passed to his nephew, Brian Willance. Th e latter's daughter and heiress, Elizabeth, married Doctor John Bathurs t in 1635. He worked at the Arkengarthdale Mines, first under the Commo wealth (1649 - 1653) and then under a lease from the Citizens of Londo from 1654. Ore was carried from shafts, chiefly around Windegg, via G un Nest to Willance's Mill. Here two smelters, (Ralph Warde and John T aylor) were paid 10s 6d for each fother of lead they produced plus 2d f or weighing it….” A John Taylor close to Ralph's age in the area was one John Taylor b. i Forcett, 01 Jan 1620, son of William of Ovington. Another quote taken from ewinners-and-deadmen-lead-mining-in-swaledale/: "The smelters were the highest paid men in the mining operation as it r equired considerable experience to be able to produce good quality lead . The men doing it may not have been aware of the chemical terms for what t hey were doing, but it was quite sophisticated chemistry that they were p erforming, first turning the ore into lead oxide, and then adding carbo to remove the oxygen to produce the finished metal. They controlled e verything: lighting the furnace, choosing the type and amount of fuel t o use, and the casting of the lead pigs at the end of the process." ----------------- Ralph Warde is also mentioned in the book 'A Dales Heritage' by Marie H artley and Joan Ingilby, in chapter 2 'Two Seventeenth-Century Lead-Min e Proprietors' describing the entries in the business account books, in 1 657, of Dr.John Bathurst, manorial lord, and the owner of Clints mine: “The accounts are complicated by the borrowing which prevailed. Almo st everyone, including the smelters, was in debt. For instance, althoug h the partners at the White Gang had raised 247 ½ loads of ore, they we e only paid for 225 ½. The twenty-two loads deducted cancelled out pre vious debts, and 'Clear' is now written at the bottom of their column o f figures. A further list of individual miners record debts ranging fro m shillings to £2 8s. 8d., and one of the smelters, Ralph Warde, owing £ 3, had paid off part leaving him still owing £1 15s... The rate for the s melters was 10s. 6d. For smelting a fother and 2d. a fother for weighin g. Between them they received £39 16s. 3d. During the year. Ralph Warde a lso chopped wood and the other smelter, John Taylor, built up 'Orgait h ouse in Clints ground which was burnt' for £1 2s. 6d.“ __________________________ Other entries re baptising and burial of Ralph's children are, unfortun ately, illegible. Here is another quote from a book that may apply to Ralph's widow: "The restoration of the monarchy brought in the 'Hearth Tax' - (two shi llings on every hearth in order to provide Charles II with some revenue . The only apparent extant record for the area is 1672. It shows that t he Widow Warde was exempt." ____________________ | WARD, Ralph (I9)
4968 | The marriage index says for bride 'Willis or Gregg' | Family F616
4969 | The marriage record is in Latin and says "Johannes Ward Parrish de Mars k et Susanna Carter de Bellerby Matrimonio Juneti." | Family F2
4970 | The marriage record states "James Alderson alias Scott, bachelor, age 2 1, collier. Hannah's age is given as 16. Residence for both at time of m arriage was Whaw. | Family F463
4971 | The marriage record states that Margaret's residence at the time of mar iage was Aysgarth School, Newton-le-Willows. Harold's residence was 'Sussex Terrace, Bedale' | Family F115
4972 | The name HODGSON is found in censuses from 1841 at Orgate. This raises the possibility that William Hodson's wife Lucy Ward may ha ve inherited the house at Orgate which back as far as Symond Ward (of O gate) may have owned. | HODGSON, William (I22)
4973 | The only marriage of a Thomas Ward and Margaret in the right time perio d was Thomas Ward and Margaret Peacock in Kirkby Ravensworth 27 Mar 179 4. Record states 'both of this parish', so not sure if this could be th e right ones. | Family F58
4974 | The only marriage of an Edward Ward to a Sarah is the following: Marriage date 03 Sep 1754 Marriage place Wallsend Spouse's first name(s) Sarah Spouse's last name Stewart Residence Wallsend, Northumberland, England County Northumberland | WARD, Edward (I171)
4975 | The only proof of existence of this William Ward is from the 1841 censu s where he is in the household of his step-father John Spence and mothe Ann. He was probably conceived shortly before his father's death. | WARD, William (I1875)
4976 | The paper manufacture is not mentioned by Clarkson in his account of th e state of Richmond in 1821, but the plan of the town given by him show s mills at Whitcliffe and the paper-mills are mentioned only four years l ater (MSS. of the Borough of Richmond). | SIDDLE, Benjamin (I879)
4977 | The parish marriage record has him with the Latin spelling of 'Radulphu s'. "Radulphus Ward & Lucia Blackburn de Bellerby" | Family F3
4978 | The parish record says 'Jeney, daughter of Thomas Ward of Ellerton. The c losest 'Ellerton' to Grinton is Ellerton Moor where Ellerton Abbey and P iory are near Marrick. | WARD, Jeney (I205)
4979 | The parish record states: Simon Ward, pauper, Skelton, buried | WARD, Simon (I1)
4980 | The records for Arkengarthdale don't start until 1727, so it could be t hat William was born there before that. There is a baptism record at Stanwick St. John for a "William son of Wi lliam and Elizabeth Longstaff of Layton, born 1701" But this William di es the same year. There is no record of another William by this couple. There is a baptism of a William Langstaff at Darlington 4 Sep 1694, son o f John. (most likely candidate) There is a baptism of a William Langstaffe at Romaldkirk, 23 Jul 1712, s on of John. (unlikely because it would make him 7 years younger than Sa ah, his wife.) There is a baptism of a William Langstaff at Darlington, 25 May 1708, s on of Robert. | LONGSTAFF, William (I415)
4981 | the resident engineer (of the Chelmer and Blackwater canal) was Richard C oates who came from Marske near Richmond in Yorkshire - after the compl etion of the canal Coates settled in Chelmsford and set up his own carr ier business on the canal - he became a very successful businessman and a mongst his profitable enterprises was the setting up of the Chelmsford G as Company - he died in 1822 aged 59 - his carrier business was taken o ver by his nephew James Brown | COATES, Richard (I70)
4982 | Their marriage 'by license' was 27 May 1875. Banns published on May 9t h 1875 were 'forbidden by parents' because George was underage. I guess t hey got around that before the 27th. | Family F360
4983 | There are no baptism records available for Marske parish for this time p eriod. There are no baptisms for any Eden Coates in any of the surrounding par ishes, so it's likely she was baptized in Marske parish. | COATES, Eden (I10)
4984 | There is also a record of a John Langstaff baptized 24 Aug 1767 in Ric hmond, son of Thomas. Are these the same person? | LONGSTAFF, John (I276)
4985 | There is an Arkengarthdale Parish baptism record for an Ann Hillary, da ughter of John Hillary, Arkle Town 24 May 1812 , but it says mother's n ame was Mary, so I'm not sure if that is a transcription error or if it 's a different Ann Hillary. | HILLARY, Ann (I937)
4986 | There is an Ellen Warde listed in the 1673 Hearth Tax, but this would m ean that she is the head of a household. It's possible that the Simon W ard I have as her husband who died in 1790 is actually her adult son an d that her husband Simon predeceased her. Only problem with this theory i s that Simon Ward said in 1682 that he'd been a smelter for 20 years. I f Ellen had a son Simon born as early as 1659 he would be only 3 in 166 2. | UNKNOWN, Ann (I8)
4987 | There is some evidence that points to Barbara being born at Marske. Pos sibly a daughter of Anthony Coates of Orgate. If so, she likely inherit ed Orgate House from him. | COATES, Barbara (I647)
4988 | There was also an Addison Longstaff born 1 Apr 1774 in Romaldkirk, ille gitimate son of Margaret Langstaff. | LONGSTAFF, William Addison (I824)
4989 | There was an Elizabeth Hutchinson 'of Whaston' in the Kirkby Ravenswort h Burial records, July 19, 1752. This is possibly the same person and w ould explain why there are no records of any children born to Bartholom ew Hutchinson. Also Elizabeth's father John Ward had a copper smelting m ill at Whashton. Maybe Bartholomew worked there for his father-in-law. | WARD, Elizabeth (I16)
4990 | They did not marry | Family F471
4991 | This Anthony appears on a Memorial plaque in St. John's church, Bellerb y. Private Anthony Ward. 34714. 10th Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light I fantry, formerly 6423 the Yorkshire Regiment. Son of Mr. T. and Mrs. J . A. Ward, of Lilac Cottage, Bellerby, Leyburn, Yorks. Killed 3 May 191 7. Aged 23. Born Bellerby (Yorks), Enlisted Leyburn (Yorks). Buried HENIN COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION. | WARD, Anthony (I288)
4992 | This birth year is determined by his age of 60 yrs on the death record. | LONGSTAFF, William Addison (I824)
4993 | This birthdate makes him awfully young to be marrying at 16. If this is n ot the right William, it could be the one born 1696 in Barton, Yorkshir e. The Barton and Forcett Wilkinsons had ties back to Henry Wilkinson o f Forcett (died 1649) and his brother Francis of Barton | WILKINSON, William (I505)
4994 | This is 'Uncle Kit' who gave the family bible to KL | LONGSTAFF, Christopher (I464)
4995 | This is a bit squeamish .... but tells us a lot about social life..... On view of the body of a new born female bastard child daughter of Hann ah Ward of Bellerby 9 July 1868 .... sign of the Cross Keys.... Jurors Miles Broadley, John Ridley, William Thistlethwaite, James Ridle y, John Fawcett, George Bows, Henry Calvert, Francis Walker, William Wa lton, John Pearson, Benjamin Brockhill, Isaac Spence, John Scott. Witness Elizabeth Ward, Thomas Simpson, Dr Metcalf, Hannah ward Verdict Accidental injury to head at birth, daughter of Hannah Ward sin glewoman. this is a newborn child that was buried clandestinely in the church yar d at bellerby. From enquiries made it appears that Hannah Ward , single w oman, residing in Bellerby is the mother of it. She states that on Thur sday evening last she was unexpectedly confined whilst alone in the hou se and was unable to get any assistance and the child was dead when it w as born. it further appears that Dr Metcalf was called in the next day h e saw the child and examined the navels tring , it appeared to ahve bee broken and the woman Ward said it had broken when the child dropped f om her whilst she sat upon a pail thinking that she was going to have a m otion. She told the Dr that the child gasped once and then died. He the D told them to bury it. There does not appear to have been any attempt t o conceal the child but the clandestine burial of it appears to have cr eated the suspicion that there is something wrong, Signed Wlamsley poli ce constable at Leyburn. sworn statement of Elizabeth wife of Thomas Ward of Bellerby, farm labo urer. .... I was out at work at the hay and ... my daughter Hannah sent f or the .... I went ... and she told me that she had been delivered of a c hild and that it were in the ?....? That night I put it into a pail. No body saw the body until Dr Metcalf come who I went for on Friday mornin g .... next very difficult tor ead Elizabeth ward X her mark sworn statement of Thomas Simpson of Bellerby labourer . One morning du ing last week I buried the body of a child which I was told to do by m y wife. She said that it belonged to Hannah Ward and that Elizabeth War d had brought it over the night before. I was alone when I buried it. T he same body I have taken up today and given it unto the charge of the p olice constable. Thomas Simpson X his mark sworn statement of Richard Metcalf of Leyburn surgeon. I was sent for t o see Hannah Ward on Friday last . I saw her at 4 in the afternoon and f ound her in bed and was told that she had a child but they could not ge t the afterbirth away. The child had been born the previous day. I remo ved the afterbirth . I asked to see the child. it was brought to me in a p ail. I saw nothing particular about it, no makrs that I could detect. T he umbilical cord had evidently been torn not cut. I saw no reason to s uspect anything wrong and told Elizabeth Ward to have it buried in the u sual way. I saw the body of the child ?....? the ?....? and have since . .. a post mortem examination of it ... healthy full grown child .... no m akrs ... child had breathed, death caused by injury of the head whilst f alling... R Metcalf. sworn statement of Hannah Ward A week today about 6 I was delivered of a c hild. I told my mother about it as soon as she came home between 6 & 7. I w as delivered suddenly and unexpectedly ..... rest unreadble..... | WARD, Hannah (I278)
4996 | This is the last will and testament of me William Ingram of Hallgate in t he Parish of Kirby Ravensworth in the county of York, gentlman made thi s 24th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred n inety-nine in manner following... ... mentions son Thomas, daughter Dorothy, wife of Thomas Hird, daughte Sarah, wife of James Cleasby, daughter Jane Parkin, wife of Robert Pa kin, daughter Margaret Ingram (given land in Holgate Pasture called Fa dale... near Holgate, New Forrest) | INGRAM, William (I3537)
4997 | This is the last will and testament of me William Ingram of Kersey Gree in the Township of New Forest in the Parish of Kirkby Ravensworth mad e the 3rd day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundr ed and forty six. I do give and bequeath to Eliza Coates (daughter of S arah Coates now living with me) the sum of six pounds yearly... until a ge 21. ... thirty pounds to Sarah Coates. ... John Ingram my brother and Simon Harker of Cordelleras in the Paris h of Marske the executors... | INGRAM, William (I3552)
4998 | This Jane Ward is tentatively placed here until proven she was actually t he daughter of Ralph Ward of Marske. If this Ralph is the same one who d ied in Forcett in 1658, then Jane was his daughter. But his will says J ane was his only child. So, this doesn't fit with Ralph of Marske havin g a son Simon, unless he died before 1658. On the other hand, they may h ave meant 'only surviving child'. Yorkshire Administrations: Folio: 98 Name: Warde, Ralph Parish or Place of Residence: East Layton A dministrator: Jane, only child, wife of Thomas Calvert | WARD, Jane (I227)
4999 | This Ralph is likely named after his great great grandfather Ralph Ward . He is mentioned in this document: Copyhold Admittance to a messuage & t enement at Calvert House. Manor de Healaugh New Land At the Court Leet Court Baron and Customary Court there holden the 9th d ay of May 1701 for the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wharton Baron of Wha ton in the County of Westmorland Lord of the said Manor Before Thomas B endlowes Esqr Steward and Wm Mortimer Gent Comr. Ra: Calvert Second Son & Coheir of Tho Calvert his Father deced since l ast Court Is Admitted Ten^ of the Moiety of a Messuage & Tenem" with th e Appurts Situate at Calvert House in the Manor aforsaid of the Yearly C ustomary Rent of 1s. 5d & 1s. 4d. not Fineable & he to pay Fine for th e Fineable 1^. 1s. 3d ut Supra. | CALVERT, Ralph (I243)
5000 | Thomas and his older 1/2 brother George are lead miners lodging here. | HILLARY, Thomas (I2650)
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