Notes |
- Of interest is this possible ancestor of William:
"Henry Wilkinson
(died 1649)
Of Forcett, Yorkshire (North Riding), gentleman captain in Hugh Bethell
’s regiment of horse, with his brother Francis Wilkinson of Barton (and l
ater Monkend) as his lieutenant. He died 13 Mar. 1649; in his will, dat
ed the day before, he bequeathed to Mrs Grace Smithson ‘all my debentur
e moneys if it could be gotten, which he meant was due to him from the S
tate of England, which he considered would amount to £1,300’. The will w
as proved by his brother Francis on 24 Feb. 1652.
: Jones, ‘War in the North’, 407.
: Yorkshire"
Francis Wilkinson
Of Barton, Yorkshire (North Riding). Lieutenant in his brother Henr
y Wilkinson’s troop in Hugh Bethell’s regiment of horse. He proved his b
other’s will in Feb. 1652.
: Jones, ‘War in the North’, 407; Hopper, ‘Yorkshire parliamentaria
s’, 92.
: Yorkshire
June 18. Passes for Mr. Adrian Verwey, to go to Holland; for Captain Jo
hn Bigg, to go on his Majesty's service, to Huntingdon; for Mr. Henr
y Wilkinson, to go to Forcett in Yorkshire [S.P.Bom. Warrant Book 3
4, p. 276]; for Ot [to]. Dirkess and Gervert Aryaens, two Dutch seamen
, to go to Holland; and for Joseph Rivers to go to Holland. [Ibid.25, p
. 91.]