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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4701 In the 1911 census she is living at Booze in the following household:
Thomas Harper - Head, age 50, single
Ann Harper - sister, age 47, single
Anthony Harper - brother, age 43, single
Barbara Harper - neice, age 9
All born Arkengarthdale.
She could have been the illegitamate daughter of Ann.
HARPER, Barbara (I1153)
4702 In the marriage record she is Jane Metcalfe, so possibly was a widow wh
o had been married to a different Metcalfe first.
Family F1161
4703 In the name of god Amen the twenty third day of November in the year of o
ur lord god 1655 I Thomas Bowman of Gariston of the parish of Hawkswell i
the County of Yoarke husbandman sick in body but of good perfect memo
y (god bee thanked) doe make and ordayne this my Last will and testime
t in manner and forme following.
First I commend and commit my soul unto god my maker through the redemp
tion of Xt Jesus my saviour by whome I belive assuredly to bee saved an
d I bequeath my body to bee buried in the parish church of Hawkswell ne
ar my father deceased.
For the estate temporall wth wch god by his providence hath hitherto bl
essed mee wthall I dispose of in manner and forme following. First I gi
ve unto Agnis my wyfe four kine new calved to choose out of others as s
hee shall please.
Item I give unto her one bay mayre and tenn ewes and tenn hogs. Item ou
t of the farme wch I lately bought of George Wivill being in lease eigh
teen years to come beginning att may day next after the date therof I g
ive to every one of my children  being seaven two years profit arising [
ofut] of the sayde lease the rent of seaven pound of good and lawfull m
oney being discharged my wyfe haveing the profit of the two first years
, the profit of the next two years to bee imployed and discharged towar
d the payment of three score pounds wanting three unto George Wivill af
oresaid. Then to my children aforesaid to receive there two years profi
t according to there degree and aige, the eldest called Agnis to receiv
e the profits of the two years immediately following the four first and s
oe in order the rest called Elizabeth, Thomas, Leonard, Margrett, Dorot
hy, Last of all I give unto John my edlest sonne the profitt of the las
t two years wth the continuance of the farme in the disposition of land
lord Sr Christopher Wivell.
For the rest of my estate being tenn kine ten three yeare old beasts an
d eight two years old and ten Claves, and two horses, and fourscore and t
hirteen sheepe all wch to be equally divided amongst the sayd children o
ely the two horses excepted and to bee given unto Thomas and Leonard m
y sonnes.
I appoint and ordaine for the executors of this my last will and testam
ent Agnis my wyfe William Bowman my naturall brother and John Wynn my b
other in law. In witness hereof I Thomas Bowman I sett to my hand & se
ale the day and year above written.
Thomas Bowman
John Foss his marke
Elizabeth Wynn her marke
BOWMAN, Thomas (I2235)
4704 In the Parish burial records of Forcett there is a Ralph Ward of East L
ayton on July 31, 1658. (very close to Whashton where my Ralph Ward wa
s a smelter)
There was an Inquisition post mortem for him:
Inquisitions post mortem were local inquiries into valuable properties, i
order to discover what income and rights were due to the crown and wh
o the heir should be.
These inquiries took place when people were known or believed to have h
eld lands of the crown, and therefore involved individuals of considera
ble wealth and status. All have been indexed, and many are published in E

Yorkshire Administrations:
Folio: 98 Name: Warde, Ralph Parish or Place of Residence: East Layton A
dministrator: Jane, only child, wife of Thomas Calvert (probably the Th
omas Calvert of Healaugh near Reeth).

I ordered a copy of the original which says:
"Raiph Warde
The eighteenth day ____? of Adron issued forth unto Jane the wife of Th
omas Calvert the only child of Raiph Warde late of East Layton in ye co
unty of York ____? to administer ye goods of said dec'd she being first p
oved by common truly to administer the same."
WARD, Ralph (I233)
4705 In the parish registers of Forcett there is an entry for a son of Willi
am Wilkinson b. 19 Apr 1726, but the name is unreadable. Could be this E
dward. Others have transcribed it as John, but I can't see how anyone c
ould have deciphered any name.
WILKINSON, Edward (I485)
4706 In this census Jane would be newly wed less than a year and is now the s
tepmother of 4 boys and a girl ranging in age from 9 to 15.
WILKINSON, Jane (I456)
4707 Innkeeper of 'The Board Inn' in Reeth and grocer. When he died his wife M
ary Isabella became the innkeeper of The Kings Arms Hotel in Reeth.
PEACOCK, William (I748)
4708 Irthington is only 8 miles from Stapleton where John says he is from on a
ll the censuses.
On the birth record it says the mother is 'of Warwick bridge' which is a
other 4 miles to the south. Since she was an unwed young mother, she m
ay have been staying with a relative there.
4709 Isaac son of Isaac Coates of Wadegate. (Waitgate)
COATES, Isaac (I789)
4710 Isabella's residence is Providence Mill, Hawes
Family F772
4711 Isabella's residence is Seal Houses. John Dent's is Shepherd's Lodge
Family F1175
4712 It is obvious this is the correct Sarah because of naming two of her ch
ildren Benjamin and Amelia, which happens to be her parents names.
RIDSDALE, Sarah (I356)
4713 It is possible that this is the James born 8 Feb 1767 in Kirkby-Ravensw
orth Yorkshire to George Ward and ___, since that is where his son Jam
es ends up living and dying.
WARD, James (I402)
4714 It is possible that this Margaret is somehow connected to Thomas Ward w
ho had a daughter Jeney Ward born in 1797. The record says Jeney, daugh
ter of Thomas Ward of Marrick. Since Margaret and her husband James Coo
per are the toll gate keepers at Marrick in the 1841 and 1851 censuses, i
t makes sense.
WARD, Margaret (I1636)
4715 It says John Wilkinson's parish is Middleton Tyas. Dorothy's is Marske.
Family F144
4716 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3178)
4717 James and his younger sister Margaret are working as servants in the ho
me of Thomas and Margaret Ann Coates at Barf House, Marrick.
PEACOCK, James Roger (I1170)
4718 James residence at time of marriage is 'Orgate, Marske'. He is a farmer
. Jane Elizabeth is 'of Telfit'. Witnesses are William E. Peacock (Jame
s' brother) and Eleanor Hodgson (likely Jane's aunt)
Family F355
4719 Jane Brown was baptized in Kirkby Ravensworth to Edward and Ann Brown '
of Wharton' which is a town only 4 miles from Ravenstonedale in Westmor
land which is what she gives as her birthplace on the censuses.
Perhaps her parents were staying in the Holgate/New Forest area when sh
e was born and thus explaining why she was baptized in Kirkby Ravenswor
BROWN, Jane (I398)
4720 Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Wilkinson of Skelton, blacksmith
, baptized.
WILKINSON, Jane (I465)
4721 Jane's father is listed as William Addeson Longstaff
Family F254
4722 Jane's residence is Fremington and William's is Arkengarthdale.
Family F1089
4723 Jo: Calvert Eldest Son & Coheir of Tho Calvert his Father deced since l
ast Court Is Admitted Ten^ of the Moiety of a Messuage & Tenem" with th
e Appurts Situate at Calvert House in the Manor aforsaid of the Yearly C
ustomary Rent of 1s. 5d & 1s. 4d. not Fineable & he to pay Fine for th
e Fineable 1^. 1s. 3d ut Supra.
CALVERT, John (I242)
4724 John and Robert, twins
THOMPSON, Robert (I547)
4725 John Chalder of High Green 1/6/1790
Wife Ruth all my leasehold houses at High Green and Arkletown and all m
y goods during her widowhood and afterwards to my son George the house w
herein I now dwell and the 2 tenements occupied by Geo. Dinsdale and Am
brose Whitehead, he paying to my son Francis £15, to my son Joseph £15 a
d to my dau Ruth £10.
Son Francis Chalder after my wife's death or marriage the house at Arkl
etown late occupied by Henry Whitell and to my son Joseph the house at H
igh Green now occupied by Francis Hutchinson and to my dau Ruth Chalder t
he house at High Green now occupied by Abel Longstaff and my household f
Wife Ruth extrix
Proved 7 Oct 1790
CHALDER, John (I3229)
4726 John is listed as a Railway Porter Heavy Worker
WILKINSON, John William (I1550)
4727 John is of Thoralby, Easter is of Bishopdale
Family F507
4728 John Iveson is of interest because he was living at Orgate House, my an
cestral home, between 1871 and 1901.
IVESON, John (I1278)
4729 John's residence is Kirkby-Ravensworth, Sarah Ann's is Husthwaite.
Family F1152
4730 Jonathan Kipling of Scarhouse 23/10/1772
Grandchildren Sarah, Elizabeth & William Kipling 1s each
Grandson Jonathan Kipling 10s
Grandchildren Hannah & William Longstaf 1s each
Daughter Mary Kipling my husbandry gear & household goods
Residue to 3 daughters Mary Kipling, Jane Kipling & Hannah Milner
Wit - William & John Kipling
Draft probate 19/6/1773 by Mary Kipling, eldest dau.
KIPLING, Jonathan (I724)
4731 June 21, 1635. Anthony, a child of Richard Cotes of Orgate, baptized
COATES, Anthony (I66)
4732 Kathyrine the daughter of Raph Ward
WARD, Katheryne (I11)
4733 Kirkby Ravensworth parish register: "Elizabeth daughter of James Coates o
f Kersey Green.
COATES, Elizabeth (I801)
4734 Lancelot Moore last will and testament:
I, Lance Moore of Orgate House.... I give to my loving wife ye ould hus
e att: marsk? & stable & garth & ye husall goods & [??] pounds to be pa
yed att ye two yeares end & Anne Moore & Margaritt Moore t
o have ye new huse att marsk between them
Item I give to my son John ye sum of five pounds to be pid att y
e two years end Item I give to my son George ye sume of five pou
ds to be payed att ye two years end. Item I give to my son James > ye sume of twenty pounds to be payed att ye two years end
Item I give to my daughter Allas ye sume twenty pounds to be payed att y
e two years end. All ye rest & my parsonall estate goods and chattels: w
hat: soever I dou give unto my two lovinig sons, Thomas & Mic
Making them full & sole executors of this my last will and tes
tament & Thomas Moore to have Tenn pounds mor then Mickall Moore. I dou h
eareby make void all other wills & testament by me Heareafter made In w
ittness wheareof I have sett my hand and seall this 4th of Aprill in th
is the yeare of our Lord/1730
Item my daughter Jaine bell to have ye sume of five shilings
his mark (Seal)
Lance Moore

Tho: Milner
Francis Lodge
James Bowe (?)
MOORE, Lancelot (I299)
4735 Last name given as 'Alderson alias Scott'
SCOTT, James Alderson (I3221)
4736 Lead Miner
WARD, Anthony (I1537)
4737 Lead smelter at Clints Mill also referred to as 'Willance's Mill'
WARD, Ralph (I9)
4738 Left a will Jun 11, 1669.
I John Calvert of Calvert House in Swaledale... etc.
To my wife all my household goods... to my daughter Annie Rau_____, wif
e of ______ Rau____, if she ha__ and have children, to have ____ pound
To my daughter Mary Calvert the sum of Twent____th pounds.
And I make my sons Thomas Calvert and James Calvert my sole executors o
f this my last will and testament whatsoever.
CALVERT, John (I244)
4739 Listed as 'Coal stoneman underground'
LONGSTAFF, John (I408)
4740 Listed as 'dressmaker', living with widowed father, John, a butcher.
WARD, Elizabeth Ann (I1318)
4741 Listed as 'farmer'. The next household to their's on the census is East
wood Hall.
LONGSTAFF, John (I408)
4742 Listed as 'Tenant farmer (dairy)'
DINSDALE, John Richard (I1281)
4743 Listed with Gwendoline.
LEE, Richard F. (I3629)
4744 Living as a servant in household of William and Catherine Carter in Bou
ldershaw, Arkengarthdale.
In 1891 she is living in the household of her brother Thomas and younge
brother Anthony where she stays single until death in 1925.
HARPER, Ann (I1158)
4745 Living at Daggerstones, Riddings, Reeth, lead ore miner.
PEACOCK, George (I1224)
4746 Living at home, single.
4747 Living at Little Carthorp. Schoolmaster
Family F165
4748 Living in household of daughter Jane Metcalfe
GREGORY, Elizabeth (I2440)
4749 Living in household of her daughter Margaret Thompson
CHALDER, Mary (I213)
4750 Living in household of her grandparents George and Elizabeth Bowes.
George is born Forcett, Yorkshire and his wife in Aldbrough St. John, Y
orkshire. Their son Edward was born at East Layton, Yorkshire.
BOWES, Annie (I1592)

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